About Tzayla

Tzayla has had a deep passion for music since she was 5 years old and wrote her first song when she was 12 (and was bored at school). Now, she has successfully written, recorded, produced, and released over 35 of her own songs, and she will even be featured on an album with the Aloha Strong Music Collective.

Although she grew up in the DC area, she would often go on trips with her family for months at a time. In her travels, Tzayla was able to see life from many different perspectives and was able to interact with many different people, and her music reflects this.

In her newest single, “Pouring out my Heart”, Tzayla takes you on a journey of unspoken feelings and frustrated emotions that will make you want to sing along.

Music is more than just entertainment. It’s a way to inspire, connect, and communicate, and Tzaylas music takes all of these to a whole new level, with songs that seem to speak directly to the listener’s soul.

Look forward to new music every month!

“You’re the reason that I dance, you are my only one, so with this pen in hand, I sign this page with love.” ~ Tzayla


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